Kathleen Brandhofer-Bryan
- Certified Coach, Management Executive Coach (ECA) Expert Level
- Certified Trainer, NLP Germany (DVNLP)
- Certified Trainer, Accelerated Learning USA (IAALP)
- Certified Trainer, Suggestopedia Germany (DGSL)
- Certified Trainer, Austrian Society for Suggestopedia, 1984
- University studies in USA, Austria; BA, with Distinction, MA
Training & Development
- Accelerated Learning (Suggestopedia): Dr. Georgi Lozanov, Dr. Charles Schmidt
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Robert Dilts, Michael Grinder, Dr. Gundl Kutschera, Bernd Isert
- Non Violent Communication: Marshall Rosenberg
- Manager Conference: Gordon Training
- Pilgrims™, Berlitz (language instructor)
- Founder and director “Art of Communication” (since 2003)
- Founder and director “English & More”, institute for English language, Train-the-Trainer (10 years)
- Communications Trainer and Coach (over 10 years)
- Train-the-Trainer; Seminars nationally and internationally (20 years)
- Speaker, Conference Presenter (20 years)
- Language instructor in private institutions and companies (over 25 years)
- IAALP Certification Board (3 years)
- IAALP Board (4 years)
- DGSL Certification Board (8 years)
- English (mother tongue)
- German (fluent)
- Italian (A2)
- Lernen mit allen Sinnen; 72 sinn-volle Lernspiele, (Multi-sensory Learning, 72 Effective Learning Activities) October 2008, publisher GABAL Verlag
- Learning Beyond Boundaries, IAL Publication, 2003
- DGSL –Trainerhandbuch für Suggestopädie, DGSL Publication 2004
- Trainieren mit Herz und Verstand, GABAL 2006
Martha K. Preus
- BA (USA) Education, History, French
- MS (USA) Business Organizational Management
Training & Development
- 2-year training International Organizational Development Program
- International independent consultant, North America, Europe, Africa, Asia
- Leadership development, Human Resource Management & Development, Change and Conflict Management
- Teacher and adjunct professor at university and graduate levels
- Topics: Organizational Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Leadership, Ethics, Management Communications
- 1997- 2003 Founder and partner, ODCI Organizational Development Consulting International
- 2002- present; trainer, coach, manager, conference presenter in Europe, Africa
- Topics: Community Coaching; Developing Ethno sensitivity in Organizations; Women and Leadership, Dialogue. A Meeting of Minds; Dialogue and Diversity; Managing the Change Process
- English (mother tongue)
- French (C2)
- German (B2)
Kathleen Louisa Brandhofer
- Universität der Künste, Berlin, Deutschland; Pädagogik, M.A.
- Universitätsstudium in den USA; BA. magna cum laude
- NLP Neuro-Linguistisches Programmieren Practitioner (DVNLP)
- Accelerated Learning/Suggestopedia Practitioner Certification
- TEFL Business English Teacher
- 2003-present: Musician
- 2008-present: Language instructor in private institutions and companies
- 9 years as Editor & Translator in New York, Berlin, Salzburg; Boosey & Hawkes, Salzburg Festival, unitedcommunications GmbH, Classictic.com
- TEFL Business English Teacher Certification
- NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Robert Dilts, Dr. Gundl Kutschera, Bernd Isert
- AOC – Accelerated Learning/Suggestopedia Practitioner Certification
- Vitalakademie – Dipl. Mentaltrainerin (in Ausbildung)
- Vitalakademie – Business Mentaltrainerin (in Ausbildung)
- English (mother tongue)
- German (mother tongue)
- Italian (B1)